US Stamps - High Quality Leathercrafting Stamps.
These stamps were designed to help you create leather carvings that depict animals, foliage and landscape. We offer two great books by Al Stohlman called "Pictorial Carving Finesse" #61950-00 and "Figure Carving Finesse" #61951-00 that show how to create beautiful carvings using figure stamps. Also, many of these stamps can also be used for border designs, too. Just get some practice leather and use your imagination to see what unique designs you can come up with.
Approx. stamp dimensions: 7/32" x 1/4".
Try our Zelikovitz Professional Carving and Forming Solution.
You will be glad you did.
· Reduces swivel knife drag.
· Helps leather accept and retain proper water content.
· Sets up surface of leather for crisper tool impressions.
Available in 4 sizes